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The purpose of the nursing assistant training is to provide the tools and skills necessary to prepare students to safely support the physical and emotional daily care needs of a patient.  The training will prepare you to be successful in providing the core aspects of caring.


Become an Nursing Assistant in 2 weeks.



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  • Be conscientious in the performance of your duties.  This means do the best you can. Be

  • Be generous and sensitive in helping your patients and your fellow workers.

  • Carry out faithfully the instructions you are given by your immediate supervisor.

  • Perform only procedures that you have been educated to do or that are on (or below) the level of duties/responsibilities listed in your job description. 

  • Respect the rights of all patients to beliefs and opinions that might be different from yours.

  • Let the patient know that it is your pleasure, not just your job, to assist him or her. 

  • Try to demonstrate that you are sincere in your involvement in the care of a human being.  Always show that the patient’s well-being is the utmost importance to you. 

  • Do not accept tips from patients.  You are expected to do a good job for the salary paid by your employer.

  • Graciously decline any tips offered and reassure patients that they do not need to offer tips to receive or reward good care. 

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